Monday, June 2, 2008

Dutch Double by Faye Tischler and Fran Gordon

Reviewed by Mrs. Bailey at Okte
This fast moving adventure is extra special because the events in the story ACTUALLY HAPPENED and they happened right in nearby SCHENECTADY! The story is about a girl living in the historic Stockade area who goes back in time to witness first hand the masacre by the French and Indians on the Dutch Settlement during the 1600's. A mysterious antique button, a family heirloom received as a birthday gift, transports 13-year-old Katie Van Epps back in time to the 17th century Dutch settlement of Schenectady. Will she be able to return to her own time and escape history, or will she be changed by it?


Miss G. said...

This book looks so interesting. I can't believe it is part of our local history.

Katie S. said...

I might try reading this book.

Mary Beth Z said...

This book sounds interesting, it's cool it really happened

justin p tesago said...

I can't believe this really hapened!

Brittney E. Tesago said...

I CANNOT wait to read this book! It sounds SO interesting, and it sounds like a book I read before and REALLY enjoyed.

Tess S. from Tesago said...

I realy want to read this book ! it sounds soooo cool. My mom better have time to drive me to the library. oh yeah and if you want sports stories you can check out books by Matt Christopher

Aedan G tesago said...

WOW that's so cool, Justin, I TOTALY agree with you. I can't believe this actually happened to a little girl in Schenectady!!!

brianna J. said...

tis book rocks!

lynelle f. tesago said...

this book sounds cool, because i have read a similar story.